You are not a sheep....
So don't follow the herd. Ha, ha bet you wondered where I was going with that one!
Here's the thing, doing the same thing over and over and expecting it to work without laying the foundations of healthy habits isn't going to work.
Think about all those people who try weight loss for example. They start a specific diet. All goes well for 6 - 12 weeks, but when they lose the weight they return to their previous way of eating and surprise, surprise it all comes back on - sometimes all they lost and more 😱.
Or they try really hard to change their diet to lower their cholesterol and succeed in the short term, so their levels are acceptable for the repeat blood test.
But after they've achieved that, back they go to the previous diet and the next time they have that blood test they are back at square one.
Unfortunately, this time the Dr says they really should have that medication they were desperately trying to avoid.
It's second nature to return to the thing that worked before..and don't worry, you aren't the only one doing it, we've been there and got the t shirt too.
We pondered on it. How come some people do this and we can't seem to?
That is when we realised that in order to make these changes stick, we needed to take a different approach.
Smaller changes, habits and routines that helped us, and a totally different mindset.
We tried, it worked 💪🏻, and we finally understood.
We weren't failures. We weren't weak.
Other people didn't have more willpower.
We had found the keys to the door!
That's what our kickstart course is all about - helping you to start this process, whichever area of health you need to focus on.
Come on then, what are you waiting for? You can start today!